
Friday, December 29, 2017

How do we keep stringing along?

I've been playing with wide wool strings
from a box of goodies I got from a friend of a friend of a friend's mom.
You can read the whole story here.

I only squared off fabric bits and used dark spacers.
The nature of the tweeds and twills makes the pieces curve a bit

It's beautiful in the subtle variations and I've already had several naps
under the finished blanket.
which I have yet to photograph.

Here's the top out on my snowy front lawn.
I've since quilted it and bound it.

But my question is do we keep stringing along here in blogland,
or move the whole string thing along over to Instagram?
I know there are less people reading blogs
and more heading over to other social media.

Now that Instagram allows you to follow hashtags, 
I was wondering if we can move our celebration of string quilts over there
by using the hashtag #stringthingalong.

Let me know what you think.