
Monday, March 19, 2012

String star quilted and bound

I finished my skinny string star last week
quilting it with feathers

and putting a surprise on the back.
This is a bright quilt for an alert baby,
and I'll be donating it to a local children's charity.

I'm enjoying all the great string quilts you're posting here
and I look forward to a few more
before we wrap up the string thing along in June.
What sort of string-y things are you up to?


  1. Wowie! That's some elegant quilting. Some baby will surely keep this as an heirloom.

  2. I liked this for a solids project I want to do. I cut 36 different solid sets for backgrounds, now to start my 'strings'(this might be a life-er!) cw

  3. Lovely feathers! It will be a fortunate baby who receives this quilt.

  4. Lovely feathers! It will be a fortunate baby who receives this quilt.
