When this blog started last year, I was overcome with envy that I didn't have the opportunity to jump in and start a string quilt immediately and sew along with the rest of you. Living in NM, my sewing activities are confined to my visits to San Diego, for reasons that are too complicated to explain.

When I'm in San Diego, I sew and quilt like a woman possessed. Receiving my copy of Victoria's 15 Minutes of Play book last month set me in motion on this quilt. I thought playing for 15 minutes a day was a great way to start my long-awaited string quilt. Two weeks and countless hours of sleep lost later, I finished the blocks (I am nothing less that obsessive about my projects, I fear). I wasn't happy with the size, and pondered the pros and cons of a border on such a busy top.
Then, to the rescue, came Victoria's finished Christmas quilt from all the donated blocks. I loved her border, and took off on mine from there. The resulting top is 76" x 86". The backing is all pieced from scraps also, but I was too lazy to hang it to show you. I'm so tickled to finally be able to share it with all of you!